Automakers Collect Excessive Personal Data, Mozilla Study Reveals


Recent findings from a study conducted by Mozilla reveal a concerning trend among automakers: the collection of an excessive amount of personal data, including users’ genetic information and intimate life details.

With vehicles becoming smarter and more interconnected, concerns about data privacy and security have been on the rise. Mozilla’s study, which scrutinized 25 car manufacturers, found that all, in one way or another, raised eyebrows due to their data collection practices. Not only do these manufacturers gather basic information, like music preferences or driving speeds, but they also delve into deeply personal areas, including genetic and sexual life data. Notably, Nissan and Kia were among those flagged in this context.

Alarmingly, approximately 84% of the surveyed automakers share this personal data with third-party companies, such as service providers and data brokers. Further compounding privacy concerns, confidentiality agreements for 76% of these manufacturers reportedly allow them to sell users’ personal data.

Among the lineup, Dacia and Renault stand out, as they are the only brands explicitly stating that drivers have the right to erase their personal data. Most others imply that by using the car, users inherently consent to their personal data collection and usage practices.

On the security front, Mozilla’s research unveiled that 68% of the analyzed companies have faced data breaches or cyberattacks in the past three years.

This study underscores the growing concerns about privacy in an increasingly digitized automotive industry and the pressing need for regulations and best practices.

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